score image for GRE Cheating success story #658

GRE Cheating

🇺🇸GRE Cheating Success Case Study: Making Score Improvements More Realistic by First Achieving a 320+ and Then a 330+🪜, Also with Premium Writing Service✍️

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by Daisy · Updated Aug 1, 2024

The US customer, who already had previous GRE scores in their ETS account, was worried that a sudden jump in scores wouldn't be safe.

While we have never had a GRE score being canceled due to a large improvement, we followed the customer's plan to make gradual improvements by spreading the score increase across two subsequent tests.

Who would say no to more business, right?😎

Official Scores & Testimonial

Before we dive into the details of this case, we’d like to show you the results first: the customer achieved their desired official GRE scores and wrote a glowing testimonial for us.

"I'm incredibly thankful for running into Daisy. I wouldn't have achieved the score I wanted without their assistance. Trust really does make a big difference. It's crucial to place your confidence in Daisy, and they'll surely look out for you. Their advanced technology allows them to operate without being noticed, and witnessing their capabilities firsthand is truly impressive. Initially, I was concerned my low score before would make it hard to get a high score on the GRE (raising suspicions as ETS cancels scores for anything these days).
Therefore, devised a strategy with Daisy to start by scoring slightly higher than my previous low score. This approach worked flawlessly, and we achieved the score we had agreed upon. Encouraged by this success, l scheduled another session with Daisy, aiming for an even higher score, and they exceeded our expectations! The effort and investment I put into achieving this score were well worth it.
Daisy is a reputable and professional service and made sure every concern I had was dealt with until I feel comfortable. For future customers, trust in Daisy and take that leap of faith."

GRE proxy testing cheating official score GRE proxy testing testimonial

Clarify Score Requirements & Devise a Strategy

The customer began by specifying their score requirements: 170 in Quant, 163-165 in Verbal, and an AWA score of 4.5-5.

GRE proxy testing cheating initial inquiry GRE proxy testing scheduling GRE proxy testing scheduling

After registering for a GRE test, they mentioned that they already had previous scores in their ETS account and were concerned that significant improvements in a short timeframe would look suspicious.

We advised them that, based on their score history, there would be a maximum score they should not exceed to avoid scrutiny.

It came naturally for the customer to decide to use our GRE cheating service twice, making a smaller improvement in their score with each test.

GRE proxy testing cheating score requirements GRE proxy testing cheating score requirements GRE proxy testing cheating score requirements

Can GRE scores get canceled for huge jumps?

Though we have never had a GRE score being canceled because of a huge improvement, ETS can cancel GRE scores if they suspect irregularities, including significant score jumps that may indicate inconsistent test performance or potential cheating.

While a modest increase in scores is generally acceptable, a jump of 30 points or more may raise red flags.

This is particularly true if the increase occurs within a short timeframe, such as between two consecutive test attempts.

First GRE test for 320+: "You guys are phenomenal!"

After the customer put down the deposit, we went into preparation mode.

We have redacted sensitive information during the preparation phase.

GRE proxy testing cheating deposit GRE proxy testing cheating prep

GRE proxy testing cheating prep GRE proxy testing cheating prep

"You guys are phenomenal!"

The customer was happy with the 320+ score they received but felt the process could have gone more efficiently if they had been more familiar with the test protocols.

GRE proxy testing cheating test day GRE proxy testing cheating test day

Second GRE test: 330+

"You guys are phenomenal!"

The customer was eager to schedule the second GRE test immediately after the first test was completed.

GRE proxy testing cheating schedule next gre GRE proxy testing cheating schedule next gre GRE proxy testing cheating schedule next gre

Premium Writing Service for 5+ in AWA

The customer received the official score for their first GRE test, which had a writing score that was not satisfactory.

They then ordered our Premium Writing Service to achieve a score over 5 in AWA for the next test.

GRE proxy testing cheating writing service GRE proxy testing cheating writing service GRE proxy testing cheating writing service

Second GRE went smoothly

The customer felt more comfortable for the second test. We went through the same preparation process as the first test, and they finished the second GRE exam smoothly.

The customer missed a few sentences in the writing section because they typed slowly, but it didn't matter much in the end.

GRE proxy testing cheating writing service GRE proxy testing cheating writing service

GRE proxy testing cheating writing service GRE proxy testing cheating writing service


Upon seeing their second unofficial GRE scores, they were thrilled and promptly wrote a lengthy testimonial.

GRE proxy testing cheating testimonial GRE proxy testing cheating testimonial

Official Score🥳

Less than two weeks later, they received their official GRE score of over 330, with a Quant score of 170 and an AWA score above 5.

This was exactly what they had been aiming for!😎

GRE proxy testing cheating Official Score GRE proxy testing cheating Official Score

Score image for GRE Cheating success story #658
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