GRE Cheating
“I was really impressed with the service they provided. An inclusive no-nonsense approach! Constantly stayed in touch and made the whole process easy to follow! With great score as well! Thanks a lot!” US🇺🇸 client who just got 330+ on GRE was accurate in describing our approach as "no-nonsense"😂 With so many clients to serve, we have no time for fluff.
by Daisy · Updated Sep 7, 2022
- US🇺🇸 customer based in Asia paid USDT to secure a sensei from us to take the GRE for them!
- “I was really impressed with the service they provided. An inclusive no-nonsense approach! Constantly stayed in touch and made the whole process easy to follow! With great score as well! Thanks a lot!” US🇺🇸 client who just got 330+ on GRE was accurate in describing our approach as "no-nonsense"😂 With so many clients to serve, we have no time for fluff.
- Official score of 330+ on GRE Test at Home for 🇺🇸 client!🎉 He liked our "no-nonsense approach".
“I was really impressed with the service they provided. An inclusive no-nonsense approach! Constantly stayed in touch and made the whole process easy to follow! With a great score as well! Thanks a lot!”
US🇺🇸 client who just got 330+ on GRE was accurate in describing our approach as "no-nonsense"😂
With so many clients to serve, we have no time for fluff.